Stay in Touch

Are you excited about our work and would you like to stay in touch? That’s great! Fill out the form below and we’ll put your name on our Exciting News Only -list. The…What? Yes you’ve got that right! The Exciting News Only- list; meaning we only connect when it is relevant, when we are overexcited! Let’s say about 3 times a year. For example when we’re breaking news, start a Crowdfunding Campaign or one of the Medical Researches conducted with our Dolphin VR Experience is hitting the next level. And just to make sure; you’re email address is save with us. Promised. We don’t like spam neither.

Want to help out a little? Spread the word and support our project by liking and sharing our content on Facebook or other social media. Why would you do so? Together we will work on a happy live for humans and dolphins, living freely in their own natural home. If you are in need of images to use please find them here.

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