Meet Barbara de Beukelaar

Raised by parents who were teachers and who valued education, a learner’s attitude and loved to travel, Barbara de Beukelaar (1966) was spurred to look into history, culture and languages in her desire to understand society at present. Feeling drawn to logic she studied mathematics at Leiden University. For wanting a more multi-disciplinary view she chose a Master’s degree in Governance and Public Policy. The cutting edge between leadership, organizational development and personal growth has been her field of interest since then. She was fortunate to have a first job at a consultancy firm specialized in interim management. Turning 30 she became an entrepreneur. Barbara founded her own consultancy firm that became well reputed in executive search, interim management and leadership programs.

Meanwhile, she studied with Dr O. Carl Simonton, a pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine, and was later invited to the teaching staff of the Simonton Cancer Center. Grateful for her teachers as well in intuitive development and spirituality she implemented all that she learned to realize her own personal growth. That was helpful regarding many area’s in her life and was most beneficial when her beloved husband developed a potentially life-threatening illness and ultimately when she lost what she had perceived as her foundations in life. And answering to a call within, mainly in solitude, Barbara reached into the depths of her and our human existence. She eventually regenerated, renewed and redefined living her purpose in life.

Her company sold, she currently does social work and business work on leadership, well-being and vitality, personal and organizational development. Herein she integrates her ideas on (our human) nature and spirituality. Barbara is driven to serve mankind as well as the earth. Her home base is in The Netherlands while she spends considerable time in the wilderness in South Africa. She lectures and facilitates workshops and retreats around the globe, being convinced that by moving toward our true nature, healing and leading by more inner freedom, we contribute not only to our own well-being but to the harmony of all. the Hekademos Mind-Body Medicine Foundation.