Ever since we started with the Dolphin Swim Club VR experience, on behalf of (or perhaps even requested by) the dolphins, our lives have been filled with adventures and sea creatures of all kinds. As well as with people with a big heart for the sea, or even simply a heart as big as the ocean.
Jewelbox Studio
Friday afternoon, June 10th, we visited the Jewelbox studio with owner Pepijn Buitenhuis. He was working on the last bits of the sound design, with only the natural recorded cetacean voices for the 15-minute healing VR version. So now the dolphins are ready to swim into people’s lives and do their thing!
Medical research
And they are. Medical research on the healing effects of wild dolphins, done by UMCG (Groningen University) has started. They are joining the VR programmes in several hospitals and healthcare facilities around Europe and the USA, (Cancer Society Oslo, Norway, ‘sHeeren Loo, the Netherlands, UMCG Groningen, the Netherlands, University of Southern California, USA) to name just a few.
Selfi and Delfi
On a Friday evening, we set off on a 500 km drive towards Denmark, to look for our ‘ambassador’ dolphins Selfi and Delfi. The next morning we set out to search for our friends. And we found them under a bridge like clochards in Nyborg. Such a happy reunion it was. We even met up with our friends Ann-Sofi and Clifford whom we met last autumn when Selfi and Delfi were visiting the Kalmarsund…
Safe travels my dear friends.
Safe travels to all sentient beings out there in the waters and on the land.