Many hospitals in the Netherlands are discovering what Virtual Reality therapy can do for their patients. It has proved to provide pain relief to women in labour and relaxation for people suffering from burn wounds, and it helps stimulate corona patients recovering after ICU admission. “Some patients have even worn special VR goggles in the swimming pool, swimming alongside virtual dolphins.”
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Caregivers are working around the clock to combat the outbreak of the coronavirus. To provide the best care, they need to stay well-rested and relaxed. That’s why ICU nurses from the University Medical Center in Groningen (UMCG) were given the opportunity to swim with our wild dolphins in virtual reality during their breaks.
The Dutch national news shows a nice testimonial about how VR can help people suffering from psychoses or autism. After intense VR therapy sessions, patients get to relax with ‘our’ dolphins, rewarded with a virtual swim. Exciting to see how many organisations worldwide each find their beautiful uses for our virtual swimming with the dolphins’ experience.
Could a virtual dive in the blue ocean help students relax? Animal Science students at the Dutch University van Hall Larenstein certainly think so. Dolphins are famous for their ability to help people relax. For this reason, they are often used for animal-applied therapies. The Dolphin Swim Club brings the dolphins to the students with the additional benefit that the dolphins can stay in the ocean, where they are wild and free.
Students of the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden, in the Netherlands, have a new tool to their disposal. During the exam period, they can take a virtual dive with wild dolphins in an ocean of blue. The experience created by the Dolphin Swim Club helps them relax before taking the exam. The university is still waiting for the official results of their research on the effects of the experience, but first feedback from the students is overwhelmingly positive. A report by the Friesch Dagblad.
The real world and fantasy merged smoothly on a Monday evening in November, at the Leeuwarder Harmonie in the Netherlands. The Dutch bank Rabobank gave its members the opportunity to swim with the virtual dolphins of the Dolphin Swim Club.
Swimming with dolphins: for some, an exotic getaway on vacation, for others an almost indispensable part of therapy. Of course, this is not accessible for everyone, but change is on its way. Marijke Sjollema leads a project in which swimming with dolphins can actually be experienced anywhere, without the use of captive dolphins.
Medical research is discovering many therapeutic applications to virtual reality, from phobia treatment to rehabilitation. This technology also offers the possibility of an escape for the sick, and reduce stress and the need for drugs. The Human Underwater Society in Tahiti has invited two specialists in the field of medical Virtual Reality. Meet the Dolphin Swim Club.
It is a technology increasingly used in medicine to treat patients suffering from various ailments. Virtual Reality goggles can relieve the pain of all sorts of treatments. Children from the pediatric ward at Taaone Hospital had the opportunity to experience swimming with wild dolphins in Virtual Reality, thanks to a visit from the Dolphin Swim Club.