Ever since encountering wild dolphins for the first time, it was Marijke’s dream to bring the magic of dolphins closer to the people. When she discovered Virtual Reality, she thought this is the perfect way. She founded the Dolphin Swim Club in 2015. ‘Dolphins are magical. They bring us great wisdom and joy. Just look at the effect they have on people. They make everybody happy. No other animal touches us the way dolphins can.’
We have some bad news and a lot of good news.
To start with the bad news: we didn’t reach the amount of funding we had hoped for. However, almost all our backers have continued their support. So that brings us to the good news. The Dolphin Swim Club goes on! All wondrous events following the inspiration to make a Virtual Reality production about swimming amongst dolphins convinced us to go ahead!
And more good news: the two bottlenose dolphins that so magically appeared at the day of the launch of the Dolphin Swim Club at the front of the ‘headquarters’ in the Baltic Sea, are alive and doing well. They are slowly moving, visiting different bays and harbours, still delighting people everywhere with their presence. They now have their own Facebook Page: Kalmarsunds delfiner. Here you can find out about their whereabouts. People post their wonderful pictures and films, experiences and questions, as well as some discussions about the best way to interact with them. As of course, dolphins are not native to the Baltic Sea, so it’s new to everyone.
For the team of the Dolphin Swim Club, we had to make a rather difficult choice. We found ourselves in the middle of this miracle. Every day could be the last to see them. When would they decide to turn back to the North Sea? Time spent playing with the dolphins is always the best. That’s why we love to make Virtual Reality films in the first place, to share the magic. And the dolphins gave us beautiful wise advice: life is happening here and now!