A new non-profit organization wants to make swimming with dolphins cruelty-free and an event that can be available to all people. The Dutch company The Dolphin Swim Club may have uncovered a way to allow disabled people to enjoy a swim with dolphins using recent advances made in virtual reality.
Language: English
We spent a wonderful day with the EenVandaag crew and the team of handicapped expertise centre ‘s Heeren Loo. EenVandaag is a Dutch current affairs program covering the latest news and background stories from the Netherlands and abroad. ‘s Heerenloo is researching the effect of VR therapy. In 82% of the cases the symptoms improved.
We spent most of our time in the pool in Apeldoorn, where Dion tested our new Wild Dolphin UnderwaterVR. We were all touched by his reaction, and joyful personality.
Language: Dutch | Subtitles: English